How to Support Black Creators during Black History Month

How to Support Black Creators during Black History Month

Black History Month is here and we’re so excited to celebrate the incredible contributions, events, and history of the African American community. While there are many ways to contribute in your own way through education, awareness, and support, we're here to provide tips on how you can support Black Creators this month.

1. Share their work

This is an easy one! Word of mouth is still one of the biggest marketing tools for a business. Help your favorite creators grow their audience by spreading the good word, sharing their content and products with your friends and family.

2. Engage with their social media

When it comes to social media, engagement is the most important metric to a business on their platforms. Make sure you are liking, commenting, sharing, and saving posts of your favorite creators. This helpful show of support is free to you but invaluable to their business.

3. Leave positive reviews

An easy yet super effective way to support a Black Owned Business is to leave a positive review. According to Dixa this year, 93% of customers will read online reviews before making a purchase. This small gesture can go a long way for any business owner and the positive support will certainly be appreciated by you and fellow customers looking to make a purchase.

4. Patronize their business

The most obvious and best way to support your favorite Black creators this month would be to patronize their businesses. If you are able, book a photo shoot, buy their art, download their e-book, purchase a gift card, or make a donation if its a non-profit. It's so important that we further empower Black entrepreneurs and creatives to succeed in their fields!

5. Consume their content channels

Make a conscious choice to consume content written by Black creators this month. From books, articles, podcasts and more there are so many ways to support your favorite creators and spread awareness.

How will you be supporting your favorite creators this Black History Month and beyond?