50 Family Photo Ideas for Fall

50 Family Photo Ideas for Fall

Autumn is the perfect season to capture family traditions, festive holidays, and the ever-changing beauty of nature. Check out our list of 50 family moments to capture this fall, and see if you can photograph every one! Be sure to add your own ideas in the comments below to keep the list growing.

1. Roasting pumpkin seeds

2. Decorating the house with fall decorations

family photo ideas fall

3. Jumping in a pile of leaves

4. Visiting a fall festival

5. Watching a Halloween parade

6. Carving pumpkins

7. Putting on brand new boots

8. Baking an apple pie

9. Volunteering for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

10. Cozying up under a blanket

fall family picture suggestions

11. Going on a family hike

12. Doing a leafy hike together

13. Watching the sunset

14. Having a picnic

15. Knitting scarves or hats

16. Going on a hay ride

17. Breaking out sweaters from storage

autumn family photography inspiration

18. Driving through fall foliage

19. Making your own place card for Thanksgiving dinner

20. Stocking up on Halloween candy

21. Donating to a local food bank

22. Enjoying the first festively-flavored drink from your local coffee shop

23. Setting the table for Thanksgiving dinner

24. Cheering on your favorite football team

25. Working on a school project together

fall season family photo concepts

26. Dressing up in Halloween costumes

27. Playing catch outside in the yard

28. Visiting a farmers market

29. Trick or treating

30. Flying an American flag in the crisp fall wind

31. Cooking a family recipe

ideas for family photos in autumn

32. Visiting a pumpkin patch

33. Eating dinner by candlelight

34. Preparing Thanksgiving dinner

35. Hanging a fall wreath on the door

36. Planting bulbs for springtime

37. Going for a bike ride

38. Gathering with multiple generations of family

39. Enjoying a cup of hot chocolate

40. Making your own turkey themed decorations

creative fall family picture ideas

41. Picking apples in an orchard

42. Reading a book by the fireplace

43. Dancing to "The Monster Mash"

44. Running through a corn maze

45. Watching a spooky movie

46. Preparing for a school play

outdoor fall family photography ideas

47. Making s'mores by a bonfire

48. Walking through the year's first frost

49. Going to a haunted house

50. Writing the kids' names using leaves

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