Photography TikTok Challenges We're Loving Right Now

Photography TikTok Challenges We're Loving Right Now

Whether its educational or aspirational, we're always inspired by photographers who use their talents to create amazing video content! We've been having way too much fun following along some incredible photography TikTok challenges. Check out 10 we're loving right now!

1. iPhone vs Camera

In this fun challenge, photographers showcase their photos taken on their iPhone and compare it to the same photo taken with their professional cameras.

2. Two photographers edit the same photo

A fun collaborative challenge where two photographers edit the exact same photo and show their final product. This challenge is awesome because it really showcases how two photographers can see the same image and have two completely different ideas for how it should look post-production.

3. Show your camera then your shots

Photographers show their cameras and the creative and unique shots they get! In this challenge, we love seeing how different cameras and lenses can really make each photo pop!

4. Photographer Glow-Up

The photographer glow-up challenge is so fun to watch! Photographers showcase photography from when they first started taking pictures then showcase their current work. It's so inspiring to see what practice and dedication to your craft can do.

5. Before and After Editing

The power of editing! Check out this challenge to see how edits can take a photo from good to great.

6. 30-Day Photography Challenge

In the 30-day photography challenge, creators put 30 photo ideas on paper, fold them, and put them in a jar or bowl and each day select one out that they go photograph that day. It's so fun following along as photographers capture animals, sunsets, friends, and more!

7. Disposable camera challenge

This challenge is so much fun and such a cool throwback. Photographers get really creative getting really cool shots but instead of snapping away and getting instant gratification seeing their images on the display, they have to wait until the film is developed with no editing to see the images taken!

8. The View vs The Photo

Landscape photographers, this one's for you! The view vs the photo challenge is where photographers show you their view on video of their shoot location and then show you the image they captured. So many inspiring, amazing locations are showcased in this fun challenge!

9. What I see vs What my camera sees

Similar to the last challenge except photographers show basic spaces or objects and then show what they capture on their camera. It's amazing how these talented photographers can make subway stations, stairwells, and spilt water look like incredible works of art!

10. Pass the camera challenge

Last but certainly not least the pass the camera challenge. A fun collaboration video edited to seem like a camera is being passed through the screen to each photographer as they show one of their favorite images.

What photography challenge do you want to try?

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