Why You Should Print Your Photos

Why You Should Print Your Photos

At Nations Photo Lab, it’s kind of obvious that we’re big believers in printing out your favorite memories. We believe that a fridge full of photos, or a box stuffed with them, or a home covered in wall decor like Metal Prints makes life better because our memories keep us going.

Don’t think you should print your photos? Take it from members of our community:

why print photos

“I am thrilled to finally have our family pictures printed and hung on the wall. My kids are growing up so fast; I didn't want to miss having memories be a part of our home. Having these pictures printed at @nationsphotolab was the BEST decision I could have made.” – @homebyheidi

benefits of printing pictures

“I love capturing little moments in time through photos. One photo after another adds up to a whole story... just like every moment in life adds up to the whole journey.” – @thelaurendailey

importance of photo prints

“I believe photographs become heirlooms. I love having printed images in photo books and single prints that you can HOLD in your hands instead of only experience on your computer screen or phone. Digital is wonderful for long-term storing but physical wins out in viewing experience!” – @joyymichelle

print your memories

“Raise your hand if you’ve gotten a piece of your work printed in 2020. If you have, way to go! You are among a small percentage of today’s photographers. If you haven’t, what’s holding you back? … Well, you know, back in the day, every amateur photographer actually printed their work because they had to print it in order to see it large. We’re spoiled now with the ability to see our work large on a screen without a lot of effort, but you know what? Without printing, we’re missing out on an important part of the artistic process. The tangibility of a print makes you see your work differently and it can inspire faster creative growth. Even if you aren’t confident in your work now, printing could actually help! … So go forth and PRINT, PRINT, PRINT!” – @rockymountainschoolofphoto

reasons to print photos

“I cannot even begin to tell you the joy it brings me seeing my photos PRINTED. In real life. Especially when they are my very own cute babies.” – @laynabeephotography

photo printing advantages

“I’ve been waiting to get my own photos printed in what seems like forever. There’s something about getting your own photos printed and being able to tell people that you took these photos — which I proudly say I took these photos in California during my Berkeley rep design fellowship. You should’ve seen my face when I got the package in the mail today. I got my prints done at @nationsphotolab and they have exceeded my expectations! Sharing the photo on social media doesn’t do it justice. Seeing it in person is so much better.” – @klpribula

why you should print your pictures

“There is something special about seeing your images in print. It’s completely different from seeing them on a screen and kinda exciting!” – @martyhaddingphotography

benefits of physical photo prints

“This embodies something to me. An accomplishment. A sign of progress. Seeing your photo on a screen is one thing, but it's an entirely different feeling to see a physical, substantial piece of your art before your eyes. I can look at this with pride and say, "I made this." Like a woodworker making a cabinet, or a baker baking a pie, there rises inwardly self-confidence, and a feeling of serene and complete accomplishment. You can't help but just slowly step back, take a long, deep breath, and pat yourself on your back. You accomplished what you set out to do; to make something beautiful. It doesn't entirely matter if others love it. You do. And truth be told, isn't that all that matters? … Looking at the finished photo, be it in print, that is the moment I live for. There is simply nothing like it.” – @jcbshortfilms

importance of printing your photos

“Cherishing these little snapshots of Avery as she is literally growing before our eyes. These past few weeks have gone entirely too fast!” – @shannonlknudsen

advantages of photo printing

“Motherhood is sort of like a photo-frame arrangement, filled with most precious moments but there is always one a bit crooked. It all goes way too fast and the only way to bottle it up is taking photographs! To me these little snaps mean everything, I know I will look back and be happy I took so many of them with my kids.” – @anja_mari

Every moment matters. Print your photos today! Thanks to @stylingsuburbia for the picture at the top of this post.

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